Submitted by Chuck Seaver, Kiwanis Club of Clermont and Pamela Rodgers, CRT of Groveland Elementary

The Groveland Elementary students represent the Pre-K, VPK, and Kindergarten through 5th Grade students, who were chosen as Terrific Kids for the month of September and recognized with a ceremony acknowledging their accomplishments. 

    • Pre-K:  Ethan Rios and Genesis Figueroa
    • VPK:  Kaiya Pearson and Xayden Jones-Ferguson
    • K:  Landon Dice, Nasir Strong, Hazelyn Torres-Cotton, & Kyrie Callion
    • 1st:  Micah Velez Nunez, Sophia Guerro-Aragon, Fatima Cuevas, Brayson Disher,  Ailani Cruz
    • 2nd:  Radiance Mackey, Abigail Cruz, Z’meara Gustav, Hunter Wills, Carmelo Rojas, & Exander Peterson
    • 3rd:  Victoryah Wilder, Michael Berry, Georgia Crosthwaite, Maryanne Nelson, Sofia Medina Miranda, Isaiah Solis, & Caroline Rich
    • 4th:  Jossiah Celestin, Derek Zapatier, Bridgette Gamez, Jayde Galinski, & Zariya   Cuevas
    • 5th:  Juan Villanueva, Dominique Gardner, Rylon Mason, Kyler Brady, & Malachi Gray

*The students who are not in the photo were absent or too shy to be in the photo.

Terrific Kids is a program sponsored by the Kiwanis of Clermont that supports character building and recognizes students for modifying their behavior to become the best of who they are. The character of focus for the month of September was “Thoughtful.” We are very proud of our panthers. 

A big thank you to Ritter’s Frozen Custard and Chick-fil-A for their continued support of our Terrific Kids programs.

Advisors:  Principal Nicole Moses 
Faculty:  Pamela Rodgers
Club:  Eucretia Waite