Mascotte is celebrating its 1st Annual Hometown Holiday with lots of fun-filled family activities

Thursday, December 1, at 7 pm, Mascotte will kick off the holidays at Tedder-Thomas Memorial Civic Center at its tree lighting. There will be music, a local vendor market, free S’mores, and refreshments. Santa Claus will arrive around 6:15 pm! 

Saturday, December 3 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, enjoy free donuts with Santa (donuts, fruit, juice, milk, and coffee). Free kids’ crafts (ornaments and reindeer food). Take a picture with Santa!

Saturday, December 3 – starting at 4 pm, Santa joins the Mascotte Police Department for a special patrol around town. For further information, contact the city of Mascotte at  or call 352-557-8808.