Photo L to R:  Jacki Josten, Sheriff Peyton Grinnell, Pam Schmitz
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office recently sponsored a Sheriff’s Citizen Academy in Clermont with the purpose of building better communications between citizens and law enforcement through education. 
An invitation to attend was issued to the Clermont Woman’s Club and members Jacki Josten and Pam Schmitz attended the 13-week course.  The class was held every Friday and road trips included visits to the Lake County Detention Center and the Communications Operation Center as well as demonstrations presented by specialized units such as K-9, S.W.A.T., and Posse.  Participants became familiar with the operations of the LCSO and gained a more in-depth understanding of the obstacles facing law enforcement and the community.  
The Clermont Woman’s Club is a Federated Woman’s Club chartered in 1927.  It is a non-profit service organization and by fundraising throughout the year, they are able to support international, national, and local charities.  They meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm at their clubhouse, 655 W Broome St and 7th St., Clermont.  For information see