Pictured: Terry Moherek, Michelle Delaney and LouEllen Combs-Holt

Beta Theta-ESA Clermont proudly installed its newest member LouEllen Combs-Holt. LouEllen was pledged by Beta Theta in 2022.  She is a long-standing friend and supporter of Beta Theta.  LouEllen was sponsored by Michelle Delaney, Beta Theta President and sworn in by Terry Moherek, Membership Chairperson.

The members also celebrated the birthday of Beta Theta member Terry Moherek.

On Saturday, March 11, Beta Theta members attended the Florida State Council Leadership meeting at Green Valley Golf Club. It was hosted by Sigma Phi, Beta Theta’s sister chapter.

Linda and Steve Smith of New Beginnings were the guest speakers. They spoke of the services offered including housing, counseling, job training, and mentoring and the need for volunteers. If interested or to learn more, visit their website: NEW BEGINNINGS. 

On March 17, the members and friends headed to Mickey Finns to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. 

pictured L-R: Terry Moherek, Toni Bell and Diann Lovette
pictured: Joe Holt and LouEllen Combs-Holt
Pictured: Beta Theta members and friends at Mickey Finns to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.